Cultivating Your Mental Well-Being at Work

To celebrate and recognize World Mental Health Day on October 10, 2021, we've put together a series of four guides to help you cultivate your mental well-being at work. See below for the different guides which cover the topics of Sleep, Social Connections and the benefits of Staying Present.
1. Mental Well-Being at Work: Sleep
Quality sleep is fundamental to our well-being. Good sleep improves focus and lowers out stress and risk of burnout. While it is highly beneficial, sleep doesn't always come easily. To help, we have curated tips to help you fall asleep and stay asleep. Try them out to make sleep an ally of your well-being.

2. Mental Well-Being at Work: Social Connections
To thrive, human being require a sense of connectedness with others. Alarmingly, research shows that loneliness is on the rise, impacting the physical and mental well-being of individuals worldwide. What can we do to better connect with others at work?

3. Mental Well-Being at Work: Get In Touch with Your Mind
An increasing number of people worldwide are discovering the benefits of practicing awareness of the present moment. It turns out that this simple adjustment to your lifestyle can have a lasting and profound effect on your well-being. Here are a few ideas on why and how it can benefit you.

4. Mental Well-Being at Work: Acceptance
We cannot always control the things that happen in our lives, but we can choose how we react to them. Acceptance is the ability to embrace things as they are, so you can face them with clarity and peace of mind. This attitude leads to increased well-being and overall life satisfaction, and it can be trained.